. . . and the answer there is 'not too much'.
The Youngest had a nasty cold to contend with all last week and now I have been fighting the same cold since Saturday.
Luckily I finished a dear friend's baby shower gift just prior to the sore throat, sinus pressure and exhaustion setting in.
Here is a daisy blanket for her soon-to-come baby girl.
And a card.
I had fun designing it, but honestly not much fun painting it . . . the sinus pressure struck by the time I got to that part. Nothing is more frustrating then trying to paint with a headache and dribbley nose.
But it was lovely to have a baby shower to buy for . . . and fun/strange to walk down the aisles of Target carrying a pack of diapers once more. Diapers?! I literally can't remember the last time I held a diaper, let alone bought a pack of them! My 'baby' will turn eleven soon, and while it hasn't been that long, it really has at the same time. You know what I mean?
Crazy to think there was a time when my whole world revolved around diapers in some way . . . changing them, toting them around, throwing them away, worrying over the price of them! And then . . . after all that, you actually forget what it's like to have them in your life or even in your hand! And not all that far down the road, either. Funny, isn't it? Life is always moving on to the next thing.
I think that's why it's so nice to go to a baby shower now. It used to be back in the day myself and everyone I knew was having a baby. There seemed to be a shower every Saturday. Babies were a constant part of my world . . .
and then the babies grew up. So now when I enter that world, it's with memories only.
And I'm grateful because it makes me pause. I look at that beautiful mother-to-be, and I think about all that she has before her . . . all those beautiful moments that she will end up holding so close to her heart all her life, and she doesn't even know it yet. And some of those moments will be painful- let's be honest- but they will still be held dearly in their own beauty. It makes me treasure my own memories all the more- and try to take in all I can while my 'babies' are still around. :)
Hope you have a lovely and healthy week!