Tuesday, February 5, 2013

~Valentine Peeking~

Due to a plantar's wart on my heel causing me to compensate enough to therefore inflame my knees and hips (talk about the ankle-bone connected to the knee-bone!), I haven't done a whole lot of Valentine decorating to date.
Or anything else 'active' for that matter.

Just a couple little things here and there between the must do's and icing my knees.

It's all fine though- really. 
It's given me the perfect excuse to let some of the urgent chores go to other family members.
(as in "Poor mom can barely move! *sniff* Guess she shouldn't make dinner tonight- too much standing")
It's also bought me the time to sit and watercolor again. 
(It's been almost 9 months!)
So here's a little sneak peek at some of what I've been up to.

Shhh . . . this little valentine is for the cat-lover in our family- the Youngest. 

There's more, but I'll have to unveil them after the holiday so they stay a surprise. :)

Anyone else working on valentines?



  1. I was hoping to make some valentine cards today...we will see how many I can get done before something else comes up:)
    I hope you feel better soon!
    That does not sound like fun:(

  2. Hi Jennie,

    I saw your comment on Susan Branch's Blog and laughed about your husband not being able to remember where that bowl goes! Now that my husband is retired he's doing about half the cooking and washing up and my kitchen is like a treasure hunt sometimes! I love your snow and frost photos---I've been looking through your Blog a bit--and your watercolor painting--very sweet. That's on my list of "Wishes" for myself (the talent) and why I love Susan Branch--for her watercolors. I love the wallpaper in your dining room (?), too. I, too, love the Brambley Hedge series--Winter is the only one I don't have either. It's on my Amazon Wish List but my family always pass it over. I collect other children's books illustrators, too, again in hopes of having their talent rub off on me. I write children's stories and would love to be able to illustrate them since I haven't found a publisher or agent yet. Too bad you're on the west coast and I'm on the east coast! Your furbabies are cute, too. I always had a female calico cat through the years because I'm in an all male household, too (3 grown sons) but when I added a Westie to the household I got a male. I hope your knees/feet are better soon....although it sounds like you're putting your down-time to good use and being waited on is a good thing! Take care, Cathy from Maryland


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