~I Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.~
I was greeted this morning by a cheery sight:
My hyacinth, a-nod-to-the-season-to-come, decided to open it's very first blossom today.
Just the tiniest bit of fragrance can be found at the moment, but soon it will burst forth with not only a delicate scent, but rich color to brighten things as well.
I am riveted.
If I could somehow drink the freshness in I would.
Every time I see this spot of color I feel a layer of tension lift- it's like seeing a promise that you know is there, but just hasn't become a shape yet in your mind.
And speaking of color- we had a fine sunset this evening. The boys were off with their dad and as the dark began to settle around, the familiar loneliness was settling around, too.
One look up- and there was beauty.
Again- a promise of something new.
Someday. Somewhere around the corner.
"Learn to associate ideas worthy of God with all that happens in Nature- the sunrises and the sunsets, the sun and the stars, the changing seasons, and your imagination will never be at the mercy of your impulses, but will always be at the service of God."
-Oswald Chambers
what a beautiful gift from God to you!!!