The last three weeks have been a blur of activity in our household, so here I am hoping to get back into the blogging groove. It's so difficult to know where to begin when I've been out of this space so long and so much has happened during the interval! But I will do my best . . .
I'm thinking 'short and sweet' posts may be the best answer to it all . . . so to start off, instead of sharing 'everything, but the kitchen sink', I'll take it slow and show ONLY the kitchen sink! ;)
Now, prepare to be disgusted . . .
here is what I have been washing dishes in for the past 8 years. Yes- I did indeed scrub it before I took the picture . . . yes, those are the nastiest stains ever. But do you see the good news?
Let's get closer, shall we?
What- What's that? . . . praise be to God! A CRACK! A hideous, can't-be-fixed, leaks-everywhere crack!
The perfect excuse to FINALLY replace the horrible, old kitchen sink!!!
And The Husband cannot say no!! (insert maniacal laugh here)!!
Goodbye, monstrosity . . . !
Hello, gorgeous!!!!
No divider to make scouring pots and pans nearly impossible! No hideous stains or leaking cracks!! This baby cleans up like nobody's business . . .
And to add further excitement, that dream beyond dreams . . . a sprayer!!! Be still my heart . . .
It's been three weeks now, and I can't stop cooing to it and petting it each time I walk by. Which may mean I'm crazy . . . crazy in love!
Back Soon- Cheers!