You've no idea how much I've been wanting to sit down and write a longer, more detailed post of late . . . how much I'd love for time to slow down a bit and make room for savoring and digesting all that's on my mind. But whatever my intentions may be, my priorities suggest I'll just have to continue to settle for shorter posts. . . at least until school starts again.
So here is something short and simple to share. . . a corner off of the kitchen, all decked out for summer. Framed beach photograph, bird prints, butterfly garland, seahorse and shell candle holder, teal blues and my favorite little mermaid, bought during a beach vacation years ago. All of it speaks 'summer' to my soul.
And elsewhere in the kitchen, my homemade plate rack continues to display endless beauty to my eyes. If there are two colors that immediately spell out s-u-m-m-e-r, it's blue and white- at least to my mind. Every time I walk by this (300 times a day) my heart pitter-patters with joy. I absolutely adore this color combination against the green.
And if you sneak in closer, you may notice a new addition or two since I last mentioned my love of blue and white plates. The sweet flowered plate smack in the middle of the below photo is the newest acquisition to my collection. For four dollars it could not be resisted!
I also got bold and added some nails to hang some old cups from and I am so pleased with how it all turned out! It's going to be heart-wrenching to change these out when fall comes!
Thanks for coming along for a little decorative tour in my kitchen...
more to follow soon!
Love the mermaid! Blue and white plates are my favorite.