Tuesday, February 14, 2012

~Moments of Valentines~

A Valentine's Day breakfast means getting up before dawn . . .

 to set the table
slice the strawberries

 'french' the toast
pour the juice - or the coffee
 whip the cream
sprinkle it with hearts
and set out the valentine's

All before the sun is fully up.

 After the school run . . .

light a candle
sniff the hyacinth
admire the handmade valentine

curl my hair
visit with a friend
find some surprises on the doorstep

And in the evening . . .

bake the heart-shape pizza
hide the clues
find the boxes of chocolate
watch a movie

. . . end the day with LOVE.



  1. We made the heart shaped pizza too! Your day sounds SWEET!

  2. You set a beautiful table, Jenniffer! That valentine is to die for - is it handmade? Hope your day was extra sweet with your boys:)

  3. you are such a good mom, jenniffer! God loves you so much. :)


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