Wednesday, October 1, 2014

~September Summed Up~

September. I blinked and it's gone. Another one for the history books- Another full month of living life. And here, a few captured moments to remember it by before we run full-speed-ahead into October.

There was lots and lots of sanding and staining- more baby steps toward a longed for dream . . . (more on that in another post)

There was a bit of antiquing and finding fall inspiration . . . don't you just LOVE these books turned pumpkins? I'm dying to make some, but how on earth did they cut books into that shape? If anyone out there knows, please tune me in!

There was lots of clothes shopping. More sweaters and layers for the coming cold weather. And new jeans to make way for my ever-expanding waist line. (there's no pictures, but that would be due to the baking I've also been doing)

A new, badly needed haircut. (and in case you were wondering, I'm not smiling in this picture because I've come to realize that no matter how hard I try, my left eye always ends up half shut when I smile causing me to look either intoxicated or mildly disfigured. I'm just accepting that some people are photogenic and I am not one of them!)

There have been daily drives to and from cross country practice for the Youngest- and to weekly meets as well. Last week he came in 2nd place for 7th grade boys and we were very excited for him- he pushed himself so hard, and he found success!

I've been stitching felties again. Makes me happy, happy, happy- and keeps me calm! (looks like 'franken-kitty' with all the pins, poor thing!)

And I've also done a little book-cover making for a birthday present.

And not to forget the kids, they've done lots of growing, growing, growing . . .
(and eating, eating, eating!!) This was the month that the Oldest surpassed me in height!!

I spent a day freshening up the laundry/mudroom with new shelf paper, art, and a rake hanger.

And I celebrated the first day of fall with my favorite fall coffee mug and some straw flowers. 

The 'fall' curtains also found their way into the kitchen . . .

September's weather was really warm and lovely nearly all month.We rambled just about everywhere-
from a graveyard . . .

To a waterfall. And everywhere in between. We took lots of walks in the neighborhood, along the river, in the arboretum and out into The Gorge . . .

And, of course, there were many, many more moments . . . lots of gardening, chats with friends, school papers to fill out a mile high, long and boring teacher presentations, doctor appts, ebay work, a week of miserable allergies, a couple dates with the Husband, soups simmering and new tires for my car (!!!!) As always, a patchwork of life being lived . . .
and, all in all, a lovely September.


  1. You were busy in September! October will go by just as quickly! We must make a point to enjoy it all! xo

  2. I love posts like this! Real life is what it's all about. Your hair is amazing and yes you are photogenic. Look at your beautiful eyes!! You've been doing a little shopping too. Doesn't this time of year just make you want to add a few things here and there? Now I have to ask that gorge Watkin's Glen? Maybe..maybe not. The graveyard made me wonder too. I love that you are marking your kids' growth.

  3. I enjoyed your post. You did some fun things last month. I love your autumn coffee mug, that felt kitty is just the cutest and great idea using the rake to hang things in the laundry room. Oh and if you ever find out how they made those books into pumpkins, let me know, too. That is the best idea that I've seen this season. Have a fabulous weekend... :)

  4. Your September sounds delightful! It did pass quickly, didn't it? I'm hoping October slows down but not likely. I also need to do some clothes shopping but am in the middle of a style crisis so am struggling. Also in the middle of an expanding waistline which I'm sure isn't helping matters. I also am not photogenic. My mouth does some weird thing whenever I try to smile in a picture or maybe I look like that 24/7 and just am not looking at myself so don't realize? Anyway, all of this to say don't we have a lot in common?! Although I think you are totally lovely in your photo.

  5. What a lovely potpourri of life! You had a wonderful September! I love all your photographs...pretty things that catch my eye...we have the same taste in things, you know! :)

  6. Nice haircut! Your felt kitty is looking good. I'll bet your kids are going to be glad, later in life, that their mom took them on so many scenic walkies. Are you planting new bulbs this fall? I know you like tulips and daffodils.

  7. Dear Jennifer,

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. Blowing you a kiss from The Netherlands.

    Your September month sounds good. Lovely photo of you! I think you are photogenic!

    Madelief x


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