Sunday, July 6, 2014

~This Year's Window Box~

 I finally got around to filling the window box with some annuals.

This year I enlisted 'rescue plants' from Lowe's- nearly all were a dollar a piece. :)

I'm hoping it will all grow into a nice jumble of welcoming color. Keeping this box well watered is always a challenge- just the angle it sits makes getting to the farthest side from the door with any watering device rather tricky. Not to mention this spot gets full-South-facing-plant-burning-sun. Keeping whatever goes in alive is no easy task, let me tell you. But it just isn't summer without it!

Here are last year's flowers. Again- planted in July.

I tend to continue in the same rhythms without even realizing it . . . every July, I finally find time for The Window Box and subsequently, The Porch Cleaning. See the gleaming glass on the door? Freshly cleaned for another year.

 Here are the flowers from 2012 . . .

2011. . .

and back in 2010 . . .

Sadly enough, I don't seem to have taken any pictures of anything prior to 2010, but know for certain that flowers were planted. 
It's fun to be able to look back and see what choices I made for annuals each year. . . were various moods led me. I think that this year's pick are my favorite ones yet, but I do remember 2011's being the only year the flowers held on with vigor for the entire summer. So, we'll see. . .

Which do you like best? Any favorite annuals/color combinations?


  1. I do like the blue of last year's flowers!

  2. I like the current ones! Happy summer, Jenniffer and thank you for your sweet comments over at my bloggie. I'm hoping to post a bit more often. It's lovely to see all your doing and those raspberry tarts look fantastic. Almost too pretty to eat!


  3. They are both lovely, but I'm partial to the current ones.

  4. I love the Petunias! They are so delicate and cheerful, and yet so hardy!

  5. Jennie, your window box looks so pretty each summer! You have a way of 'painting with flowers.' Each combination is so cheery and welcoming! ♡


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