Thursday, March 14, 2013

~Back in the Garden Again~

It's mid-March and Spring has sprung.

I'm out in the garden whenever I can be. 
Easter is quickly approaching and I'm dreaming of a cleaned-up garden for an egg hunt. I'm not sure which is least likely: the garden at any point reaching my standard of 'tidy' or having a March Easter that isn't cold and wet so we actually can have an egg hunt. 
Like I said, I'm dreaming.

But I don't have to dream of daffodils because they are now out for show.

As is the dwarf forsythia  And as I do every Spring, I wish wish wish it wasn't so small. But it is- hence the 'dwarf' before it's name.
This is a plant I obviously did not choose myself . . . it came with the property and I admit I look with constant jealousy at my neighbor's HUGE, gorgeous, PINK forsythia that stand a good seven feet tall and overflows with blossom. Perfect for cutting and forcing indoors. Perfect for filling the house with the subtle fragrance of Spring. Perfect for making a stunning arrangement in front of the fireplace. Perfect . . .
Ah, but in my envy I digress.

Back to my own garden. And one thing I do have and adore are my daffodils. This is just one clump of many around the garden. These always bloom first and I love how humble they look as they bend to the earth. Almost like they know how lovely they are, but would never parade themselves about on that knowledge. I have several different varieties all sprinkled about. Each different from the other. It's absolute anticipation waiting for them to open, and hoping I don't miss a display due to days upon days of showers.

My other Spring love is just starting to peek up from the ground. My tulips. Oh, how I love my tulips. All the daffodils around the garden were planted by the previous owners, and while I love them very much, they (and the forsythia) were all yellow! Nothing but shades of yellow and white everywhere. It is all very pretty and soothing I admit, but after a few years and all the cloudy, colorless winters I just needed COLOR come Spring! So, last year was the very first year I ever had tulips. And the color broke through all the yellow and grey and made me giddy every time I looked out the window. In fact, they were so memorable that I've been dreaming about them all year ever since. I planted a bunch more last fall and I am doubly excited to see what those will turn out to be! 

Back on the north side of the house is garden area we affectionately named 'Mordor' when we moved here years ago . . . it was an overgrown, hapless mess that somehow managed to look dark and barren even with out-of-control plants every which way.
Over time we have been taming it. Here is a small section I managed to clean up last Saturday. I've been working on the stepping stone path for three years now, adding more to it as I can. It wraps around Mordor a good deal, but I still have far, far to go. Kinda like Frodo.

Also in Mordor is our veggie bed. I never got around to planting anything here last year, so I am making a point of it now. The Youngest did a fine job cleaning out all the weeds, old roots and cat poo in here. We swept up the path around it and now are making planting plans. Lettuce for sure but we need to research the rest. Mordor doesn't get much sunlight, so we have to be very choosy about what goes back here. I would gratefully take suggestions as I am still very novice in the world of vegetable growing. All I know is I'm open to anything that will grow well in only partial sun to shade. Anything that is, except radishes. 
I just can't stomach radishes.

Happy Weekend!


  1. Oh I am just jealous that you have flowers popping up. We just had sprinkles of snow this morning :sigh: - Wishing spring would make it's way here.

    Love that you are all planning your garden together :)

  2. I can't believe you have spring at your wonderful for you :)

    I just popping over to let you know I have nominated you for the Liebster Award.

    head on over to my blog to see what its about, it's all in fun♥


    Pop Over for a Visit

  3. I love tulips.
    They just are perfect in my opinion:)
    I love all your plans and looking at your "canvas" awaiting to be touched and brought to life.
    Can't wait to see your yard later in the season, keep us updated;)


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