Friday, January 4, 2013

~This Little Light of Mine~

A warm welcome to you and to the brand new year!

The weather here has finally proven it is indeed wintertime. New Year's Eve gave us our first snowfall, though it was only a dusting. Still, what peacefulness and contentment to have spent an unspoiled hour just watching it fall, changing from tiny little spitting flakes to fat and lacy white confetti.

The 'big birthday week' was full but quite nice . . . that week being the 17-25th as we celebrated Husband's birthday (17th), my birthday (21st) and Jesus' birthday. Though, I admit my favorite week of the whole year is the week after Christmas. The boys were off to Nana's and the Husband and I were all alone to sleep long, eat junk, play card games, watch movies, read and talk. I feel so rejuvenated after a week of slovenliness. I admit the 'back at it' has not been the easiest to go back to.

In fact, yesterday I was a bit down and overwhelmed with life-stuff, and I found myself really wanting to buy something. Silly, I know- especially right after being spoiled with birthday presents- but there it is. I think it has to do with nearly a year of no work and our unemployment soon to run out. Something in me just wants to shop and, yes- this is not the best timing. However . . .

I think God gets it (even though I don't) and more than that, He gives me again just what I don't deserve.

I had to take the Youngest to Walmart yesterday so that he could use his Christmas money to purchase CO2 cartridges for the airsoft gun he received as a Christmas gift.
I haven't been in a Walmart for probably 2 1/2 to 3 years. And you know what I found?

One dollar candles . . . that actually SMELL GOOD! And in a cute little jar to boot! I got 'the nod' from God, and bought myself one little treat. :)
But the good stuff really didn't stop there.
Due to depression and stress and all the difficulties in life over the past year, I really haven't been creating like I used to. Or decorating much. Or really CARING about all the things that normally make me, 'me'.
I've been numb.
But yesterday, I sat down with my little candle, peeled off the ugly label it came with, and decided to do what I've always felt is part of what I was made for . . .

 I made something a little more beautiful.

And as I just DID SOMETHING with what I had . . . I ended up feeling like this little candle and I had something in common.

We both have a little light to let shine . . . and a purpose for being lit up in the first place.

I hope this new year, this fresh start, will find all of us lit up with the purpose we were each uniquely created for.



  1. that's a great idea!! love how it looks. :)

  2. Lovely! I recently just got some candles too - it's perfect candle season. You made yours so perfectly perfect with the snowflakes.

  3. Gr8 message Jenn......God does continue to show us Mercy and blessed in the coming year.



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