December around here is very slowly making itself known. My Christmas decorating can be likened to a home improvement project- 90% prep work, 10% finishing/fun and always more time needed to get it done then you would imagine. And money of course . . .
except for this year. At this point Husband has been unemployed for ten months so this is the year we aren't doing presents! Believe it or not, I am super relieved. Don't misunderstand- I LOVE giving gifts . . . really, really love it and I am already missing getting a stocking together for my mom and kids, etc . . . BUT, this year I have been given the gift of simplicity. All the time I usually spend making for loved ones, wrapping, planning- shopping- instead I get to do the projects for myself I never end up having time for . . . like a snowflake garland I've had on the brain for three Christmases now, and maybe this will be the year I actually finish the little vintage Christmas shadow box I started like 5 years ago. I always dream of cookie baking time with my kiddos and making my own tree garland. THIS will be the year!
And, obviously, there is no money for enhancing any Christmas decorating, so I will only be using whatever I have on hand- and again- not a problem! My mind has been spinning like a little top with all sorts of "I could use this for that" sort of thinking, and the only thing stopping me from full-on Christmas decorating insanity is... the prep work.
Yup- I am a pre-Christmas cleaner. Full on, baby. As you can see, I even get down to the chandelier 'crystals'. Not a decoration- not a thread of tinsel- comes up from the basement until the living/dining areas are gleaming.
Oh, and I have a little bit of sliver to polish, too.
So, the tree remains in the garage, the lights in their storage bin (half of which I'm sure won't even light up) and Windex and Wright's Silver Cream are my bff's- at least for the moment.
Come on- someone tell me I'm not the only one . . .
. . . Dust the halls with the Swiffer dust pad! fa la la la laaa la la la la
. . . Gleaming silver makes me feel glad! fa la la la laaa la la la la
. . . Donning now rubber gloves and comet! fa la la la la la la la la
. . . Just in case the cats do vomit! fa la la la laaa la la la la