Wednesday, May 9, 2012

~So Thankful~

 . . . for days of peace.

Woken by birdsong . . .
and been listening endlessly to these songs as well 
(thank you Lora!)

simple breakfast

not just one, but three orchids in bloom

a book that is challenging and stretching me
- amazing me despite my prideful approaching-

Batteries!! how wonderful is it to have the swiffer working again . . .
Socks! so basic, so grateful to know each boy has enough for a week now

Joyful over toothpicks? You bet!
It's pathetic to admit, but I've been needing toothpicks literally for years.
Could NOT find them!
Did you know they keep them in the 'paper goods' aisle? I obviously didn't. 
Now I don't have to break skewers apart just to test if the cake is done!

it's been two weeks, and the annuals I purchased finally found their 
way into the windowbox. . . 
need I mention how many times a day since I've checked on them with happiness?

the sun came out . . . I was in the garden . . . 

seeds once planted; sprouting with promise!

a quick word and color sketch thrown in the garden journal;
always need to remember

the winter quilt was washed- AND folded!
how is that for amazing

on major clearance . . . a few dollars of fashion fun 

how do you celebrate a Tuesday with sun and temperatures that exceed 65 degrees?
strawberry shortcake of course- what else?

well, actually there is something else that I am celebrating and am so very grateful for . . .


Your prayers, your words of kindness, compassion, and encouragement- whether said or not said.
We all go through deep valleys- thank you for letting me share the burden of mine a bit.
And thank you to those who have let me be privileged to your friendship and burdens as well.
I am convinced that real friendship is a heart condition- a thoughtfulness that extends far beyond the boundaries of location. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the most excited person over all the technology we now plug ourselves into . . .
but like so many things, the internet is what we put into it- 
it can be a void, or a community
 and I am SO GRATEFUL to experience it in community.
Thank you for reading, caring, commenting, praying or just stopping by-
all the little things add up into something good for everyone.


1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad those songs have blessed you, too! :) isn't that guy amazing? i love those flowers - so pretty! and oh my goodness - that quilt! it looks so lovely. :) and guess what, i appreciate YOU, too!! hugs, lora


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