Monday, August 1, 2011

~August and Everything After~

Welcome to August! Another month of summer lays at our feet.

A new month; a new week; . . . another repair man. Yes, the appliance repairman came this morning. Here is a clue to what he fixed for us-

Any guesses?

If you were thinking that perhaps I'm not just attempting to be cute and nostalgic, but have actual need to hang our clothes to dry, then you are correct. Indeed our dryer has been dead since Thursday.

Of course, as far as major appliances go, a dryer isn't too big of a deal- especially in summer. And miraculously, it actually is summer here, as there hasn't been rain for over a week. So I'm grateful for good 'hanging out the wash' weather.

So now it is all fixed, and I am so glad.

I really wish I felt the way about clotheslines and air drying laundry that other women out there do. I see pictures of darling vintage items blowing in the sunshine; bright and cheery clothes pinned up with delicate wooden clothespins- they look so happy, and 'all-is-right-with-the-world-ish.' I've heard-say of the fresh scent left behind and the joy of bringing in a nicely aired load. This all sounds so homey and wonderful! And then I do it.

First of all, my clothes are just not that cute. Those are work-out clothes there, and sweat pants and exercise tops just don't do anything for the cute factor. Neither does the fact that I have in the past brought in laundry from the line, only to find four (yes, four!) earwigs camping out on one of my tops- as I was putting it on. That was a good seven or so years ago, and I have never done it since. Too traumatized. And then there is the fact that all my clothes are so stiff afterwards, they look frozen. And they honestly don't smell like anything to me; good or bad. I just never detect a scent. (Maybe because I don't want my nose to get too close for fear of some insect jumping on!) So, if I'm doing something wrong, please someone out there- let me know!

I guess too, the hardest thing about having the dryer die on us is that it has been just one more thing in what seems to be, the 'replace it/repair' it year. In fact, I've been keeping a list- one I like to call the Kicked the Bucket list. Here it is for 2011:
~the washer (repaired)
~the dryer (repaired)
~our foundation (nasty crack)
~our mattress (after over 200 bucks in chiropractor bills it was time)
~the toilet (blogged here)
~the vacuum cleaner (didn't like our old one anyway)
~the standing lamp (the base literally disintegrated in front of us as we moved it)
~the coffee grinder (after nine years of loyal service; this was the most urgent of all replacements)
Of course, though we have plenty of time to add to this list, I'm hoping it's done. As much as I do like list making, this one can end here thank you. ;)

Onward now, to the never-ending-to-do-list for today. Happy August to all, and remember . . .

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I get it about the bugs in the clothes from the line. And ever since we moved here where the fumes from I-5 bombard us, my line laundry smells faintly of exhaust. However, I do remember soft, fresh smelling laundry from the line. I am sorry you never experienced it. I will try to remember and get the laundry soap recipe to you when I find it again.

    I LOVE the vintage scripture card! I also love the sail boat postcards. I must find a good source of those postcards here in the twin cities!


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