Friday, July 15, 2011

~A Beginning~ 7.15.11

So here I am at the very beginning of a new blog. This is a long time coming and I have so much to tinker with and learn, but I'm here and that is what matters.

So I thought for this beginning, I'd show a picture of a typical day beginning here at home. There it is- my view from the couch. My spot where I welcome each day- always with a cup of coffee- and I enjoy the light, if there happens to be any. It's quiet in this spot (since I force the boys to stay in the kitchen with their breakfast) and I have proved many times that it is a wonderful place for curling up with a book, a purring fur-ball, a purring child (yes, purring!- the younger calls himself 'big-kitten' and he thinks he's a cat- at age nine! . . but, that's for another post) or with myself for a little 'eye resting'. I love my spot. And yes, the family knows it's mine! To be fair Husband has his own couch, just to the right of mine that happens to be his spot. And the rocking chair you see in the picture is Quinn's spot- one of the fur-boys. As for the kids- the floor works, right? ;)

It was an especially peaceful start to the morning today due to lack of children in residence- younger is at his Nana's and older is on a youth retreat. Amazing how wonderfully quiet it has been, not to mention how quickly things get done without interruption- laundry to fold? Two loads in what felt like only minutes. -a kitchen to clean? Clean what?- there was hardly any mess! E-mails that need to get sent? Without distraction, I can actually form thoughts into sentences at a decent rate! Honestly, pure bliss. I am even more patient with the furry ones still here- even during their constant 'in and out' sessions this morning. A little break is very nice- and a good time to make a 'beginning' . . .

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! This IS a long time coming. Good on ya!

    Don't have much else to say since I have one of those distracting children of yours with me!

    Have fun while you can!11111111111111



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