Monday, October 15, 2012

~All the Autumn's Joys~ Falling into the Weekend

This past weekend we replaced the last of the Summer's roses
with the first of the Autumn' rains.

Husband was lucky enough to get a break in between storms to get the gutters cleared.
We've learned over the years that clear gutters generally mean a dry basement.
And as much as I love Fall,
 I do not love the basement leaking that seems to accompany it.

The rest of our hours were spent in the dry, warm house.

Did some cleaning and picking up. Baked white bread and cornbread. Made homemade chili and lentil soup.
Read a little, did a little cross-stitch , drank a little cider.

Watched my football team win a game-
and drove an hour north in torrents of rain to pick up the Oldest from his Nana's house.

The Autumn mugs were pulled out for our favorite new seasonal treat of late . . .

Oh how I love this stuff!

 Yes- you can just add water like the canister says-
but topping it off with steamed milk . . . ?
I am SO there!
(I'm sure whipped cream would be even more divine, 
but I must show self control somewhere!)

And then enjoying such steaming-drink-perfection in front of the fire 
capped off with a goofy movie curled together on the couch with family . . .

I call that a pretty ideal rainy Saturday night.



  1. Nothing better than homemade bread and soup! What appetizing aromas!

    I'm so glad you had a good week-end!

  2. i love your tablecloth! gorgeous. and those mugs are so pretty too! that yummy pumpkin chai drink looks so good! too bad trader joes is so far away from me. i very rarely go there - even though i totally love that store!


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