Monday, February 25, 2013

~What Have I Been Up To?~

. . . and the answer there is 'not too much'.
The Youngest had a nasty cold to contend with all last week and now I have been fighting the same cold since Saturday.

Luckily I finished a dear friend's baby shower gift just prior to the sore throat, sinus pressure and exhaustion setting in.

Here is a daisy blanket for her soon-to-come baby girl.

And a card. 
I had fun designing it, but honestly not much fun painting it . . . the sinus pressure struck by the time I got to that part. Nothing is more frustrating then trying to paint with a headache and dribbley nose.

But it was lovely to have a baby shower to buy for . . . and fun/strange to walk down the aisles of Target carrying a pack of diapers once more. Diapers?! I literally can't remember the last time I held a diaper, let alone bought a pack of them! My 'baby' will turn eleven soon, and while it hasn't been that long, it really has at the same time. You know what I mean?

Crazy to think there was a time when my whole world revolved around diapers in some way . . . changing them, toting them around, throwing them away, worrying over the price of them! And then . . .  after all that, you actually forget what it's like to have them in your life or even in your hand! And not all that far down the road, either. Funny, isn't it? Life is always moving on to the next thing.

I think that's why it's so nice to go to a baby shower now. It used to be back in the day myself and everyone I knew was having a baby. There seemed to be a shower every Saturday. Babies were a constant part of my world . . . 
and then the babies grew up. So now when I enter that world, it's with memories only. 

And I'm grateful because it makes me pause. I look at that beautiful mother-to-be, and I think about all that she has before her . . . all those beautiful moments that she will end up holding so close to her heart all her life, and she doesn't even know it yet. And some of those moments will be painful- let's be honest- but they will still be held dearly in their own beauty. It makes me treasure my own memories all the more- and try to take in all I can while my 'babies' are still around. :)

Hope you have a lovely and healthy week!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

~Random Happy~

 Can you believe it's already been a full week since Valentine's Day? Insane how fast time is flying by. The husband was nearly late in the bill-paying as he forgot we're not in January anymore!

I have a bit of random happy things to share. Hoping the cheer will spread. :)

First off, here are the fun little Valentines I water colored in honor of the day . . . all sent and received by the family members they were created for, and now I can share them with you! So much fun!

And wrapping them carefully to send is also enjoyment in plenty!

I also had a request for this scone recipe which you can find HERE-
created by the amazing Susan Branch.
These scones are THE best, hands down. Simple and delicious!  Scones are their own kind of wonderful happy.

More happy below.
She's on the shelf peeking out in the corner. She's a bit shy.

Isn't she lovely? Do you recognize her? NO? Allow her freckles, red hair and 'worn' carpet bag to jog some recognition.

Why it's Anne of course! Anne spelled with an 'e'. 
Anne of Green Gables and made by Madame Alexander.
Believe it or not, this sweet gal has been packed away for the last thirteen+ years, waiting her turn in the spotlight. She was given to me right before we moved to our current city while I was still prego with the Oldest. She had been stashed away with my other Madame Alexander dolls in the Christmas boxes and after finally giving those boxes a thorough going-over last month, she was just rediscovered. It's like Christmas twice. :) 
Oh, to have a cute little apron made up in that fabric! With the ric-rac mind you. 

Well, upwards and onwards . . . it's grocery day and I need to get at it. Hope your day finds all sorts of happy in it! :)


Thursday, February 14, 2013

~ Much Ado About Valentines~

It's been one crazy-packed week and the post I began Monday is now being taken into today. 
And is therefore rather picture heavy.
But I like pictures. They're worth a thousand words. And that gives this post about 15,000 words in only a few hundred. 
Because I'm talented like that. And really tired.
So, without further ado: the Valentine Tour. In pictures.
And a few words.

In the Kitchen Nook.

And Elsewhere.

Happy pom-poms.

Mantle Love.

It's been so much fun decorating and tweaking over the last couple of weeks. Bringing my own joy of the season in to warm and cheer us. 

I adore February as the days stay lighter later and the trees and bushes start swelling with buds to remind us spring is around the corner. I love the starkness that is still with us and how much brighter everything else seems in comparison. I love that it is still winter and I am often commanded by the elements to sit inside and pursue the domestic and the dreams. To me February is like one last deep breath of rest and cozy before the stirrings of spring start to take hold . . . and March comes blowing in with a roar and cacophony all it's own.

But the best thing about February? 
Valentine's Day.
I am quite fond of it- whether to celebrate romance or love in general, it just feels good to remind the people around us that we care!

So for our family a special breakfast was made.

The table was set.

And clues to find the hidden treats were at the ready.

I even received a handmade valentine from The Oldest. I was very moved that he would even bother and decided to ignore the fact that he addressed me as, 'The demon raiser'. I'm guessing that that's what a valentine from a thirteen year old boy looks like and truthfully, some days truer words were never spoken. ;)

After the boys headed off to school, the Husband presented me with a valentine as well. He doesn't do cards, but he does pick out some very cute bracelets. I love the shades of green in this set! And this is the first time he's ever picked out jewelry of any kind for me.
It was a very nice surprise.

And speaking of surprises, just to cap off the day with happy, I found a sweet surprise in the mail from my dear friend Lora . . .
a gorgeous antique Valentine from 1909. Isn't it beautiful? 

"Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a hand-shake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life . . . all our life."
~Henri Nouwen

Happy Valentine's Day!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

~Crossed in Love~

Another bustling Saturday.
Cleaning up from the week, adding to the Valentine decor, baking bread pudding and finishing up things left undone.

I designed and created this little cross stitch pattern about three years ago . . . finally found a frame just right. Simple and fun- another little token of love for the home.

Got to spend an enjoyable evening with friends over for dinner and a little belated birthday celebration (cue the bread pudding with whiskey sauce- oh, yum!).

Here's a little card I painted for the birthday girl.

Busy, busy with all things Valentine . . . more soon! :)


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

~Valentine Peeking~

Due to a plantar's wart on my heel causing me to compensate enough to therefore inflame my knees and hips (talk about the ankle-bone connected to the knee-bone!), I haven't done a whole lot of Valentine decorating to date.
Or anything else 'active' for that matter.

Just a couple little things here and there between the must do's and icing my knees.

It's all fine though- really. 
It's given me the perfect excuse to let some of the urgent chores go to other family members.
(as in "Poor mom can barely move! *sniff* Guess she shouldn't make dinner tonight- too much standing")
It's also bought me the time to sit and watercolor again. 
(It's been almost 9 months!)
So here's a little sneak peek at some of what I've been up to.

Shhh . . . this little valentine is for the cat-lover in our family- the Youngest. 

There's more, but I'll have to unveil them after the holiday so they stay a surprise. :)

Anyone else working on valentines?


Friday, February 1, 2013

~The Wise Sayings of Twister~

Ahh, welcome human.
I am so glad you are here. 
You are in for a treat!
I admit I'm feeling generous this weekend (I've been patted, praised and petted beyond the usual) and so, as the superior being I am, I feel compelled to share with you the wisdom I have learned through the years.

Come closer lesser being . . . ahh, that's right. Very good. 
You obey well.
Come my friend and I will enlighten you as to the three essential secrets of life.
YES! That's right! The three secrets that all cats know and revere.

I will share these marvels, and then you may pet me and tell me how wonderful I am.

Secret One:
Nap as often as possible. 
And be sure to do so in a 'high traffic area' so that every creature coming and going can pet you, rub their faces in your tummy and tell you how adorable you are.
(stairs and doorways are especially beneficial- no one can possibly not notice you, and if they do- they pay the price when they trip and go flying. 
A quick flick of the claws works too for that matter)

Secret Two:
The tub fixes everything.

As in:
You can clean yourself there. Use either water or your tongue.
The method is irrelevant. Soap obviously unnecessary.

If you're thirsty, no problem- the drippy faucet is at your service.

If you're bored, the tub (and specifically the drain strainer) affords excellent opportunities for play.

And finally, Secret Three:

The best way to work up a healthy appetite is to watch your food fly around a good twenty minutes before catching and eating it.
Trust me, your digestion and figure will thank you.

Well good human, 
I humbly accept your praise of my wisdom. After all, it's not your fault you were born as you are. That's why I'm here to help you.

Do not be cast down for we are all important!
Without us, there would be no cuteness and softness in life.
Without you, there would be no one to answer at our beck and call.

I leave you now with my good blessing . . .
may all your days be full of naps and all your meals good sport before eating.
