Tuesday, October 7, 2014

~At the Patch~

Last Sunday the men and I braved the pushing-ninety-degrees-heat to uphold one of our very favorite family traditions- a trip to the pumpkin patch on Sauvie Island. Never, in the 14 years we've done this, has it been that miserable hot. What is it about the October sun that makes heat waves so much more uncomfortable than in July? Is it just because we know that it's suppose to be about 65 instead? Is it the lower angle of the sun? I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it makes pumpkin patch picking preposterous! (say that 5 times fast) ;)

The Husband found his right off.

And The Oldest wasn't far behind.

The Youngest took some time . . .

but he found just the right one in the end.

And after a quick pose by the corn maze . . .

it was caramel apple time. :)
I wouldn't have been surprised if they had melted before we could finish.

At this point we were pretty much dripping with sweat, so we decided to call it a day (or as it was, about 45 min) and headed back to the car.
I did poke my head into the barn on the way out and was rewarded by this mama on her brood . . .

and Sleeping Beauty below. Her name was Matilda. Doesn't she look happy as she's laying there dreaming? I think she has the sweetest face. I hate to think of what the future may hold for her, poor dear. 

And after that brief pause, we were in the car- windows rolled down and cool air blasting our faces.

The hottest- and shortest- visit we've ever made. Now I'm hoping our pumpkins will actually make it through the month!


  1. That heat isn't good for those pumpkins! Hopefully you've had a cool down by now. It sounds like a good day, regardless of the heat.

  2. Wow, that is hot for October!!! How strange. I love Sauvie Island, though... it looks so pretty there. We used to go to the Wintering In Festival held near that very old, big farm house. The name of the place escapes me now. Happy fall!


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